"Since the start of my professional career 25 year ago, horses are accompanying me. If it was needed they sometimes even carried me." Beate Gröchenig, Founder of Coaching by Horses
25 years as a professional
Executive and Management roles in national and international projects e.g.
Project and Operations Manager "Dialog im Dunkeln"-Consens Ausstellungs GmbH, Hamburg; District Manager, ALDI GmbH & Co. KG, Bargteheide; Tutor at the Deutsche Private Finanzakademie (German Private Finance Academy) Munich; Banker, M. M. Warburg & Co., private bank since 1798, Hamburg.
2010 further education Coaching, Leader and Executive competencies at SUPaktiv, Lüneburg, standards according to EASC. In the European field the EASC has the most comprehensive requirements, which have to be full-filled, to be certified as a coach, supervisor, teaching supervisor or trainer. In this way the EASC guarantees that the individuals who gain their certification maintain the highest quality standards, which can be found in these working areas. 2002 and 2009 Management Seminar with Horses and Trainer Certificate, G & K HorseDream GmbH, Odenwald and Kröpelin; since 1994 Trainer, Tutor, Coach as well as various seminars in communication, horse and leadership training, play education; 1993 award-winning degree dissertation for OTTO Versand Hamburg; 1989 Graduation with honours, Business Studies (BWL) at the FH Kiel
"Learning is experiencing, everything else is purely information." Albert Einstein
coaching by horses
Schulstraße 26
22889 Tangstedt
Beate Gröchenig
0172 - 592 64 42