Seminars & training

Our horse-assisted training programme covers a wide range of topics. They are structured in such a way that, by doing and experiencing, your own behaviours or those of other participants will create opportunities for reflection. Only through the process of reflection in the present will these experiences become engrained and be of lasting benefit. We differentiate between three kinds of programme:

  • Trial-offers – focussing on the experience and the opportunity to get to know the method:
  • Seminars – mostly take up a few days and are tailored around specific topics. The content and knowledge is the main focus, the horses support the theoretical input.
  • Training sessions – the focus is not so much on the theory but instead on the practical aspect, which enables participants to change their own behaviour and thinking patterns as well as put into practice the newly acquired experiences.

Working with horses always involves practical learning often based on self-awareness through a mirror – the horse. With competent support the thought processes surrounding these experiences will be permanently incorporated into everyday working life.








coaching by horses
Schulstraße 26
22889 Tangstedt

Beate Gröchenig
Diplom Betriebswirtin

Mobile 0172 - 592 64 42