Our network

Through a close co-operation with our partners we can combine our existing skills. Below you find a selection of our partners.

EASC European Association for Supervision and Coaching
EAHAE European Association for Horse Assisted Education


In the European field the EASC has the most comprehensive requirements, which have to be fulfilled, to be certified as a coach, supervisor, teaching supervisor or trainer. In this way the EASC guarantees that the individuals who gain their certification maintain the highest quality standards, which can be found in these working areas.

The EASC (European Association for Supervision and Coaching e.V.) is a European association of professionals for supervisors and coaches, who have made the promotion, practice and quality assurance of supervision and coaching their main goal.

The unique focus is on cross-cultural co-operation inside Europe. In the EASC individuals are therefore direct members.


The European Association for Horse Assisted Education was founded in 2004 and has in excess 220 members internationally.

The European Association for Horse Assisted Education EAHAE is a platform for information, communication, training, certification, research and publication of every kind of horse-supported training and further education.